President Mohamed Mursi will soon be hanged?

Apparently, the military junta regime, already close their eyes, and do not want to accept a variety of rejection and criticism over the death sentence against President Mohamed Mursi.
In fact, the regime of al-Sisi will soon carry out the death penalty for al-Sisi. It has menjaid choice of al-Sisi who openly Brotherhood will finish up by the roots.
Egypt's military regime, not only crimes against humanity, and commit mass murder against Mursi supporters, in Rabi'a al-Adawiyah and Masjid al-Fath, but the capture of tens of thousands, imprisoning and torturing prisoners, including female prisoners.
Now before the execution, the former president of Egypt, Mohammed Mursi is seen wearing a red uniform death row when greeting lawyers, and making the former leader of the first countries chosen people, and is seen wearing a uniform death row, Sunday (21/6)

Reported by Al-Arabiya, Mursi, who was ousted by the military led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, face re-trial on charges of leaking secret documents to Qatar last month. Mursi was sentenced to death this month over other charges.

A number of allegations were meted out to Mursi including prison building damage, murder, attempted murder, looting weapons depots prison, releasing prisoners and escaped from prison during the Cairo uprising in January 2011.

Mursi is facing the death penalty against the decision of the Cairo Criminal Court along with ten other members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mursi, Egypt's first elected president freely, deposed in 2013, or after a reign of only one year following the massive protests that led to millions of people took to the streets accusing him of monopolizing power and demanded his resignation.
Since his fall, thousands of supporters of Mursi dipenjaradan sentenced to death by the side of the regime. 90 Muslim Brotherhood members, including well-known cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi, was sentenced in absentia manti.

Reuters reported last week Mursi appealed to the various charges against him. Mursi defense team requested the High Court, the highest civil court in Egypt, dismiss imprisonment and asked for a retrial against all other defendants in criminal court.
Previously, 160 leaders and scholars, asking 'eppeal' (petition) to the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdul Aziz, intervened to save President Mohammed Mursi, the possibility of the death penalty on the gallows. Previously, some Brotherhood leaders have been hanged by the regime of al-Sisi.
For the Ikhwan figures, there are only motto that always they say in the form of prayer Rabithah them, namely: "Ya Allah ma'rifat Revive with you, and turn off in a state of martyrdom in the way-MU '. Members and leaders of the Brotherhood make martyrdom as the highest ideals, and has the motto 'noble life or martyrdom'.
The death of a necessity that is not to be feared and avoided. They received with great happiness to meet death at the hands of the tyrant.
Throughout its history the Brotherhood continues istiqomah run preaching, and never shifted from his message destination. However, they have to suffer and sacrifice in the history of Jamaat Brotherhood since its foundation, in l928.
For too many sacrifices they provide, though not mean anything, to embody an ideal that they stand for, and contained in the 'SUMMARY study groups', namely the establishment of the Daulah Islamiyah, and the Islamic system. Jamaat Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna was shot dead by an officer who becomes an accomplice of King Farouk.
In l954, the Brotherhood figures, among them Sayyid Qutb, Mohamad Ali Ouda, and a number of other Brotherhood leaders, was hanged by President Gamal Abdul Nasser, and accused the Brotherhood do plan her murder. But, all of that is just fabrication and a lie.
However, in the midst of the storm that struck slander, the Brotherhood still exist and grow. Now have adequate branch nearly 100 countries worldwide. In fact, the Brotherhood into mainstream politics in a number of Arab and African countries. Wallahu'lam
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