Scientifically, Trumpet Trumpet Sounds True Existence

Sangsakala trumpet sound allegedly destroyed a sign of this nature turned out to be heard by the human ear is highly capable. Voices that have been heard by several countries in the world also has such close proximity with humans.
But NASA, astronomers from the US space agency said that what was happening, the voice is heard it is the result of the background of the Earth.
"If humans had radio antennas, not the ears, then we could hear a beautiful symphony of strange voices. The voices that come from our own planet," NASA spokesman said as quoted from the Tech Times, Tuesday (26/05 / 2015) and cited by Viva.
NASA also said, what has been heard by humans in some countries is the fact that actually happened, not fiction or fantasy. However, among other human beings with each other according to NASA tidakklah same. There are sensitive to background noise generated from the earth. some are not.
Natural radio emissions coming from our planet is actually real. Most people are not aware of this phenomenon, but the noise was really appear around us, all the time, "said NASA added.
A total of 150 video posted on Youtube to prove the existence of the alleged sound the trumpet of doom. Although not many believe, but the videos uploaded by people from different parts of the world. Some of them are from Canada, Australia, Ukraine, Germany, Russia and the United States.
Even in a different time, a Canadian woman, Kimberly Wookey posted two video sound the trumpet. He claimed to have twice found a mysterious voice that claimed as a marker of doom.
"This is the second time I heard this mysterious voice in Canada. The first was on June 19, 2013. I was surprised to hear the noise it because I have not ever know that voice before. My son also fears that voice
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