Xinjiang Non-Fasting Muslims

Government of Xinjiang province in China (China) has banned the Uighur Muslims in worship, especially fasting in this H Tamadhan in 1436. Oppression of Muslims should be prevented by Muslims in other countries such as Indonesia, the country most berpenduduknya Muslims.
Cultural activists, Thayeb Loh Angen, in Banda Aceh, 06/24/2015, say, the Chinese nation has shown colonization in modern times previously made by the West. Thayeb confirms the prohibition of worship according to the religion is a primitive act that oppress and violate human rights (Human Rights).
"To help our brothers in Uighur, stop buying products from China. Ignore made goods meraka. Also, do not buy the seller that the Chinese nation until they respect the Uighur Muslims, "said Thayeb.
According Thayeb, the Chinese communist government is taking the capitalist economic system dependent on the world market. Their goods, said Thayeb, meet markets in Indonesia that many Islamic population.
"If we stop sending money to China to buy their products or buy on Entik those who sell here, then their government in Xinjiang province will revoke the ban because it will hurt them economically."
Humanitarian brotherhood between religions, according Thayeb, should be strengthened further so that civilization on Earth is balanced. This writer says, a sense of brotherhood among Muslims should be increased so that other people more reluctant to Islam.
"If the Chinese colonize Muslims or religious beliefs other than officials of the country, then the philosophy Kong Huchu and all knowledge of China was just gibberish. The most banyakpenganut Islamic religion on earth today. Indonesian Muslims should boycott Chinese products. Show them that we are still there
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